
Monday, November 12, 2012

KPOP Review: Epik High: "Don't Hate Me"

It seems that Epik High is back after a much awaited comeback from the their fans. I don't know much about Epik High, actually I know nothing. This song, however, sparked my interest in them. They are really good. I especially loved the rapper's parts; he has a awesome voice. Anyway the song and music video was extremely well done and I'm glad that I finally have the chance to write a review on this song.

I loved how this song was arranged. From it's slow guitar to it's Jamaican sounding raps. I also liked at the beginning when it starts of with that guitar sound. I don't really know what to call that sound, but I like it. The song is fun, serious, and catchy, all the qualities a good song. You know now that I think about it, this song is kind of arranged to lift up your spirits. It starts off slow and depressing-ish. Then, the song turns upbeat to put you in a good mood.

The meaning behind the lyrics of the song are sort of already explained in the song title, "Don't Hate Me." From what I read in the English translation, the lyrics talk about how they hate him. I assume when they sing about him they mean Tablo. Anyway the song says that everybody hates him and that everyone is his anti-fan. They all blame him, and only see his mistakes. They judge him and bring him down. There is one person, however, that doesn't hate him, and that is you. His fans. Without you, Tablo says, he could just die. The fans are what keeps him and Epik High going. They don't want their fans to ever hate them, and then leave them. Epik High asks you to please love them. So will you?

As expected from YG the English in this song is flawless. Then again this song didn't really have any difficult phrases or words. Well maybe goalkeeper but that's all. They also don't have heavy accents when they sing so that's also a good thing to not have. 

The music video was adorable, scary, symbolic, and funny all at once. If that was possible. When this video was released it was like an early Halloween. All those kids were adorable! Especially that little girl dressed up as Lady Gaga, so cute. I also liked that boy that was dressed up as GD in his "One of a Kind" MV. There was also so many kids in costumes from scary American movies. It was just cuteness overload. All of those little monsters did have to do with tying together a meaning to the song and the video. Those kids were showing that yes they may look like destructive monsters, but they really have a good side to them. As you can see all those monsters were doing was helping Epik High. All of those were hated villians from that nobody really takes the time to look and see their good side (if they have one). I thought it was a creative and fun way to express the message. Also, at the beginning when they are at the grocery store working and then a lady comes up to pay and Tablo just throws everything and drinks her soda, that was hilarious.  I just couldn't stop laughing. 

My Ratings

Lyrics: 5 out of 5
MV: 5 out of 5
Song: 5 out of 5
English: 5 out of 5

Overall: 5 out of 5

Here is the music video:

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